Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Golf Pro Update

Jim Curran has been appointed as the Interim Director of Golf effective August 23, 2006. If you have any questions regarding any of our Golf programs, please contact Jim at 305-535-6016.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Trump's view on the S Fla real estate market

The majority of press clippings you read now discusses a "bubble" for the S Fla real estate market. While some sectors of the market may be high on the risk curve, certain superior neighborhoods such as Fisher Island continue to flourish.

Donald Trump chimes in "The press is trying to create a bad market. The only truth is that bad projects will not prosper. The market with a quality project in a great location is very good. Even though the bad projects will likely get hurt, when you have a great location sales are good. That can't go away." from August issue of LasOlas magazine.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Golf Grill re-opens...

The Golf Grill has completed its summer maintenance and will re-Open
Friday, August 11, 2006 at 11:30 am

Friday, August 04, 2006

Chris Cuniffe to leave Fisher Island

Chris Cuniffe has made the decision to resign as Golf Director at Fisher Island. He has always dreamed to live in a small beach town with his family. Kudos to Chris for attaining his goal for his family.

I have known Chris since my first steps on Fisher island in 1992. He has been a great golf pro, a great friend and pure asset to Fisher Island.

Chris was the 1st pro to give me formal lessons. His humor was helpful in my early golf days with my baseball death grip and huge looping swing. My passion for the game may have never blossomed without his guidance.

His departure is bittersweet, while I am very happy for him and his family I will miss his insight & wit. His honesty and humor set the tone for the entire golf operation. He truly took the club to a new level.

Chris has requested the support for Jim Curran to take over his position. The continuity of traditions and familiarity of members are essential to any great club. I would love to see Jim get the position so we can hit the ground running for a great 2007 winter season.

Best wishes to Chris & his family on their new beachside adventure...